Mosquito Spraying 2023

Chesapeake Haven mosquito spraying by the county contractor is done on Tuesdays at approximately 12:30 a.m., weather permitting. They will not spray in the rain, strong wind, or temperatures below 55. Spraying will continue weekly until the 1st or 2nd week of October. Community roads are sprayed, including beach access road.

Multiple communities are sprayed. Spraying begins 15 minutes after sunset. Example: If sunset is 8:30 p.m., spraying begins at 8:45 p.m.
Below is the schedule of communities that get sprayed, in order of start to finish:

Holly Hill Farms
Mount Harman Plantation
Amy Scott
Cheshaven Community
Steve Parker
Sandra Clark
Chesapeake Haven HOA
Town of Cecilton (bi-weekly)
Town of Chesapeake City (bi-weekly)

Everyone can close their windows if they like. They can be reopened 15 minutes after the sprayer leaves.

The spray is an End Use which means it dissipates and is gone. It does not leave any residue.

If you want to opt out of spraying, you can download and complete this form, then email it to the county coordinator at this email address: Mosquito_Spraying_Request_for_Exemption

For more details on mosquito spraying, go to Maryland Department of Agriculture website link here: